Die-Off Tables

Montana: 1984-2008

This table represents some well-documented bighorn die-offs from Montana. At least two of these die-offs occurred among populations (Highland Mountains, Elkhorn Mountains) that had prior contact with domestic sheep (Aune et al. 1998; Byron 2008).

Click here to download an Excel file of the table below.

bighorn die-offs_Montana_1984-2008

Aune, Keith, Neil Anderson, David Worley, Larry Stackhouse, James Henderson, and Jen’E Daniel. 1998. A comparison of population and health histories among seven Montana bighorn sheep populations. In proceedings of Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council’s 11th Biennial Symposium, Whitefish, MT. April 16-20.

Byron, Eve. 2008. Die-off decimates bighorn sheep herd. Helena Independent Record. April 11. http://www.wildsheepfoundation.org/Page.php/News/36/1207026000-1209528000 (accessed December 25, 2011).

Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife, and Parks (MFWP). 2010. Montana Bighorn Sheep Conservation Strategy: 2010. Helena. http://fwpiis.mt.gov/content/getItem.aspx?id =397 46 (accessed October 15, 2011). [govt. doc.]