
Scientific Journal Articles

Note: This is a list of some articles that were published in traditional peer-reviewed scientific journals. However, similar articles appeared in the proceedings of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council (NWSGC) and in the transactions of the Desert Bighorn Council (DBC). None of those numerous articles are listed on this page. However, NWSGC articles are here, and DBC articles can be found here.

Besser, Thomas E., E. Frances Cassirer, Margaret A. Highland, Peregrine Wolffd, Anne Justice-Allen, Kristin Mansfield, Margaret A. Davis, and William Foreyt. Bighorn sheep pneumonia: Sorting out the cause of a polymicrobial disease. 2013. Preventative Veterinary Medicine 108, no. 2-3 (February): 85-93.

Besser, Thomas E., E. Frances Cassirer, Kathleen A. Potter, John VanderSchalie, Allison Fischer, Donald P. Knowles, David R. Herndon, Fred R. Rurangirwa, Glen C Weiser, and Subramaniam Srikumaran. 2008. Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae infection with population-limiting respiratory disease in free-ranging Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis). Journal of Clinical Microbiology 46, no. 2 (February): 423-430.

Besser, Thomas E., E. Frances Cassirer, Kathleen A. Potter, Kevin Lahmers, J. Lindsay Oaks, Sudarvili Shanthalingam, Subramaniam Srikumaran, and William J. Foreyt. 2014. Epizootic pneumonia of bighorn sheep following experimental exposure to Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae. PLoS ONE 9, no. 10 (October): 1-9.

Besser, Thomas E., E. Frances Cassirer, Catherine Yamada, Kathleen A. Potter, Caroline Herndon, William J. Foreyt, Donald P. Knowles, and Subramaniam Srikumaran. 2012. Survival of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) commingled with domestic sheep (Ovis aries) in the absence of mycoplasma ovipneumoniae. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48, no. 1 (January): 168-172.

Besser, Thomas E., Margaret A. Highland, Katherine Baker, E. Frances Cassirer, Neil J. Anderson, Jennifer M. Ramsey, Kristin Mansfield, Darren L. Bruning, Peregrine Wolff, Joshua B. Smith, and Jonathan A. Jenks. 2012. Causes of pneumonia epizootics among bighorn sheep, Western United States, 2008-2010. Emerging Infectious Diseases 18, no. 3 (March): 406-414.

Cassaigne G., Ivonne, Rodrigo A. Medellín, and José A. Guasco O. 2010. Mortality during epizootics in bighorn sheep: Effects of initial population size and cause. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46, no. 3 (July): 763-771.

Cassirer, E. Frances, and A.R.E. Sinclair. 2007. Dynamics of pneumonia in a bighorn sheep metapopulation. Journal of Wildlife Management 71, no. 4 (June): 1080-1088.

Dassanayake, Rohana P., Sudarvili Shanthalingam, Caroline N. Herndon, Renuka Subramaniam, Paulraj K. Lawrence, Jegarubee Bavananthasivam, E. Frances Cassirer, Gary J. Haldorson, William J. Foreyt, Fred R. Rurangirwa, Donald P. Knowles, Thomas E. Besser, Subramaniam Srikumaran. 2010. Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae can predispose bighorn sheep to fatal Mannheimia haemolytica pneumonia. Veterinary Microbiology 145, no. 3-4 (October): 354-359.

Dunbar, M.R., A.C.S. Ward, and G. Power. Isolation of Pasteurella haemolytica from tonsillar biopsies of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. 1990. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 26, no. 2 (April): 210-213.

Foreyt, William J., and D.A. Jessup. 1982. Fatal pneumonia of bighorn sheep following association with domestic sheep. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 18, no. 2 (April): 163-168.

Foreyt, William J., Kurt P. Snipes, and Rick W. Kasten. 1994. Fatal pneumonia following inoculation of healthy bighorn sheep with Pasteurella haemolytica from healthy domestic sheep. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 30, no. 2 (April): 137-145.

George, Janet L., Daniel J. Martin, Paul M. Lukacs, and Michael W. Miller. 2008. Epidemic Pasteurellosis in a bighorn sheep population coinciding with the appearance of a domestic sheep. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 44, no. 2 (April): 388-403.

Herndon, Caroline N., Sudarvili Shanthalingam, Donald P. Knowles, Douglas R. Call, and Subramaniam Srikumaran. 2011. Comparison of passively transferred antibodies in bighorn and domestic lambs reveals one factor in differential susceptibility of these species to Mannheimia haemolytica-induced pneumonia. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 18, no. 7 (July): 1133-1138.

Jansen, Brian D., Paul R. Krausman, James R. Heffelfinger, Ted H. Noon, and James C. Devos, Jr. 2007. Population dynamics and behavior of bighorn sheep with infectious keratoconjunctivitus. Journal of Wildlife Management 71, no. 2 (April): 571-575.

Kelley, Scott T., E. Frances Cassirer, Glen C. Weiser, and Shirin Safaee. 2007. Phylogenetic diversity of Pasteurellaceae and horizontal gene transfer of leukotoxin in wild and domestic sheep. 2007. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 7, no. 1 (January): 13-23.

Lawrence, Paulraj K., Sudarvili Shanthalingam, Rohana P. Dassanayake, Renuka Subramanium, Caroline N. Herndon, Donald P. Knowles, Red R. Rurangirwa, William J. Foreyt, Gary Wayman, Ann Marie Marciel, Sarah K. Highlander, and Subramanium Srikumaran. 2010. Transmission of Mannheimia haemolytica from domestic sheep (Ovis aries) to bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis): Unequivocal demonstration with green fluorescent protein-tagged organisms. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46, no. 3 (July): 706-717.

Monello, Ryan J., Dennis L. Murray, and E. Francis Cassirer. 2001. Ecological correlates of pneumonia epizootics in bighorn sheep herds. Canadian Journal of Zoology 79, no. 8 (August): 1423-1432.

Onderka, D.K., and W.D. Wishart. 1988. Experimental contact transmission of Pasteurella haemolytica from clinically normal domestic sheep causing pneumonia in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 24, no. 4 (October): 663-667.

Plowright, Raina K., Kezia Manlove, E. Frances Cassirer, Paul C. Cross, Thomas E. Besser, and Peter J. Hudson. 2013. Use of exposure history to identify patterns of immunity to pneumonia in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). PLoS ONE 8, no. 4 (April): 1-12.

Rudolph, Karen M., David L. Hunter, William J. Foreyt, E. Frances Cassirer, Richard B. Rimler, and Alton C.S. Ward. 2003. Sharing of Pasteurella spp. between free-ranging bighorn sheep and feral goats. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39, no. 4 (October): 897-903.

Rudolph, Karen M., David L. Hunter, Richard B. Rimler, E. Frances Cassirer, William J. Foreyt, Walter J. DeLong, Glen C. Weiser, and Alton C.S. Ward. 2007. Microorganisms associated with a pneumonic epizootic in Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 38, no. 4 (December): 548-558.

Safaee, Shirin, Glen C. Weiser, E. Frances Cassirer, Rob R. Ramey, and Scott T. Kelley. 2006. Microbial diversity in bighorn sheep revealed by culture-independent methods. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42, no. 3 (July): 545-555.

Subramaniam, Renuka, Sudarvili Shanthalingam, Jegarubee Bavanthasivam, Abirami Kugadas, Kathleen A. Potter, William J. Foreyt, Douglas C. Hodgins, Patricia E. Shewen, George M. Barrington, Donald P. Knowles, and Subrimaniam Srikumarn. 2011. A multivalent Mannheimia-Bibersteinia vaccine protects bighorn sheep against Mannheimia haemolytica challenge. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology 18, no. 10 (October): 1689-1694.

Subramaniam, Renuka, Caroline N. Herndon, Sudarvili Shanthalingam, Rohana P. Dassanayake, Jegarubee Bavananthasivam, Kathleen A. Potter, Donald P. Knowles, William J. Foreyt, and Subramaniam Srikumaran. 2011. Defective bacterial clearance is responsible for the enhanced lung pathology characteristic of Mannheimia haemolytica pneumonia in bighorn sheep. Veterinary Microbiology 153, no. 3 (December): 332-338.

Tomassini, Letizia, Ben Gonzales, Glen C. Weiser, and William Sischo. 2009. An ecologic study comparing distribution of Pasteurella trehalosi and Mannheimia haemolytica between Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep, White Mountain bighorn sheep, and domestic sheep. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 45, no. 4 (October): 930-940.

Ward, A.C.S., D.L. Hunter, M.D. Jaworski, P.J. Benolkin, M.P. Dobel, J.B. Jeffress, and G.A. Tanner. 1997. Pasteurella spp. in sympatric bighorn and domestic sheep. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 33, no. 3 (July): 544-557.

Weiser, Glen C., Mark L. Drew, E. Frances Cassirer, and Alton C.S. Ward. 2012. Detection of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae and M. arginini in bighorn sheep using enrichment culture coupled with genus- and species-specific polymerase chain reaction. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48, no. 2 (April): 449-453.

Wolfe, Lisa L., Brandon Diamond, Terry R. Spraker, Michael A. Sirochman, Daniel P. Walsh, Chandra M. Machin, Donald J. Bade, and Michael W. Miller. 2010. A bighorn sheep die-off in southern Colorado involving a Pasteurellaceae strain that may have originated from syntopic cattle. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 46, no. 4 (October): 1262-1268.

Ziegler, Jessie C., Kevin K. Lahmers, George M. Barrington, Steven M. Parish, Katherine Kilzer, Katherine Baker, and Thomas E. Besser. 2014. Safety and immunogenicity of a Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae bacterin for domestic sheep (Ovis aries). PLoS ONE 9, no. 4 (April): 1-7.