Bighorn Release

Bighorn Release (2011)
"ODFW continues 60 years of bighorn restoration with their latest release in historic sheep country near the John Day Fossil Beds. Within months many of the sheep had spread out through remote canyons and newborn lambs were leaping with them up cliffs. But one group of rams wandered another direction, leading to a serious setback which resulted in their deaths."

Bighorn Pneumonia (2008)
"Pneumonia is killing off wild bighorn sheep in the Wallowas. Biologists believe that domestic sheep are carrying pathogens that infect the wild bighorns, but ranchers disagree. Watch the incredible lengths biologists go to in their attempt to save the wild sheep and why efforts have ignited a new battle between Oregon and Idaho over how to use public lands."

Losting Bighorn Sheep (1996)
"Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep were wiped out in Oregon, but since the 1970s they’ve been reintroduced. After some ups and downs, the herd at Lostine in the Wallowas is doing well, and it’s time to move some of these sheep into new range."

Bighorn Restoration (1991)
"How do you capture a bighorn sheep? Fire a net from a gun while hanging out of an airborne helicopter. Why? Bighorns were common in Oregon until sheep ranching and hunting wiped them out. Since the 1950s, the state of Oregon has been reseeding the sheep across the state. The Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge is home to the main herd, which was originally transported from Canada."